
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Reshaping your Gums For Beautiful Smile, Possible Treatments and After Care

So many factors works together to have a perfect smile, including whiteness of teeth, teeth shapes, alignment and perfect combination of the gum’s length. In many cases, the height of the gums is too high that makes the teeth look lengthy or too low that makes the teeth look shorter. To enhance the cosmetic appearance, such patient may needs to undergo through gum contouring surgery in which your dentist set the proper length of the gums a way which get adjusted properly with the length of the teeth or say crown. According to patient’s condition, treatment like crown lengthening, pocket reduction or gum regeneration treatment apply to correct the gum line. As the ultimate goal of the treatment is to enhance the look of your smile, in many cases, it is counted under cosmetic dental treatment and not covered under dental insurance. You need to discuss with your dentist for precise information on cost and insurance options.  

Possible Causes: 
  • Excessive gum recession due to general health issue or oral problem 
  • Genetic problems, condition like pregnancy or Menopause also cause genetic fluctuation 
  • As a side effect due to excessive use of certain drugs 
  • Any other kind of periodontal disease that directly impact on gum’s health  
Treatments for Gum Reshaping: 

When Teeth Look too Small: 

In this situation, crown lengthening is applied in which your dentist use instruments or laser treatment which increase the length of your crown and pull the gum tissues back or adjust a way which makes your gum line looks perfect. 

When Teeth Look Too Big: 

As described before, gum recession caused by oral issues makes your teeth look longer; Gum regeneration procedure is required to cover the exposed tooth. Also known as pocket reduction procedure, which is necessary for good oral hygiene purpose as well or bacteria can grow in pocket, leading to further gum disease or loss of soft tissues or gum bone. 

In any situation, treatment initiates by giving you local anesthesia, marking your gum line to have you an exact idea which part will be reduced or regenerated and finally, laser or scalpels is used to perform the surgery. In worst situation, when teeth supporting bone or gum tissues are damaged heavily, it is required to perform additional surgery like gum grafting for ensuring proper oral health. 

Cost of the treatment solely depends on the condition, area of gums which needs the surgery and additional cost of surgery in worst situations. 

Healing Process and Required Diet: 

Once the surgery is performed, it may take few days to heal the gums completely and support of certain medicines are requires boosting the healing process. 

If possible, avoid brushing or flossing on the area which has undergone through treatment for few days and use fluoride based mouthwash. 

Avoid eating hard and spicy food or chewing with the teeth where surgery is performed. Ice-cream, cheese, non-sugary liquid or soups, pasta and any other kind of soft food should be included in diet for few days. 

If you experience bleeding in gums, swelling or any kind of reaction surrounding gums, you need to consult your dentist immediately for avoiding further problems or medicine against it. 

Cosmetic and Oral Benefits: 
  • Uneven, longer and shorter gums can be corrected for beautiful smile. 
  • When tooth are exposed due to recession, it becomes mandatory to undergo through pocket reduction surgery or it may cause serious periodontal disease leading to tooth loss. 
  • Correct position of gum line helps in maintaining oral hygiene with regular good habits like brushing and flossing. 

Most Asked Questions: 

Is it necessary to have this treatment? 

As far as oral health is concern, having high gums isn’t issue other that cosmetic appearance. If it’s too low, there is a risk that the tooth may exposed further over the time and which may lead to periodontal disease which requires immediate consultation. 

Whom to consult? Cosmetic dentist or Periodontist 

If the purpose of gum Contouring is to enhance the appearance, consulting cosmetic dentist will be fine. But if you experience symptoms of any periodontal disease, it is recommended to consult with periodontist for evaluating the base of the problem and required periodontal treatment. 

Does the cost of treatment is covered in insurance? 

The cost of any cosmetic treatment isn’t covered under insurance. Hence, if any of the treatment is adapted due to bad oral hygiene or bacterial infection, it may get covered. Don’t forget to discuss about this with your dentist prior to treatment.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Dental Biopsy – Need, Procedure, Risks and Precautions

What is Biopsy

A simple process of surgery to extract samples of bone or soft tissue from the body for further medical examination is called biopsy. In dental case, this could be gum tissue, a jaw piece or a tooth to examine better.

This Oral surgery is executed when the dentist wants to understand the collected sample in the laboratory. The basic objective of conducting biopsy is to detect the sources of the lesions or any irregularity. This irregularity may be the result of any injury or sickness. The lesions could be in the location of bone or the soft tissue that might not look normal. It could be a patch on the skin or lump, looking odd due to its different texture and color.

Types of Biopsies

Biopsies are of two kinds - incisional and the excisional. The formal biopsies will only extract a tiny piece of cell from the lesion and it will be considered as sample while the later biopsies will detach the whole lesion altogether.
Assertion of the type of biopsy entirely depends on multiple factors. Like, if the lesion is small and if your dentist hopes that it is not cancerous then an excisional biopsy can be conducted and if the patch is huge and it gives a reason to believe that it could be malignant your dental surgeon would apply incisional biopsy.

Why to Perform Biopsies

Biopsies are facilitated for taking off lesions completely or partially with a motive to examine it in the laboratory. This process is mostly done when your dental surgeon apprehends that the lesion is cancerous. Often biopsies are also conducted to diagnose some other non-cancerous conditions.

Preparations for Biopsy

For biopsy, you would be required to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial fluid to avoid any infections. Dentist will also taint your mouth to have a clearer view of the lesion. If you would require a bone biopsy then computed tomography scans or x-rays would be required before the surgery. Mostly the oral biopsies are conducted at the dentist’s office administering local anaesthesia and you remain fully conscious in this state.

Procedure of Biopsy

In the procedure or biopsy, the lesions of soft cells are taken off with the help of laser or a scalpel and post this procedure the location is stitched closed. In case the lesion is in the bone, a drill is used to access the right location of the lesion by removing bone and the cells capping the bone is closed through stitches once the sample is extracted.

Post Surgery Soreness and Swelling

Once the influence of the local anesthetic subsides after a couple of hours, you may feel slight pain or swelling in the area that has been operated upon. Your dentist would prescribe simple painkillers like ibuprofen and paracetamol to offer relief from the pain and cut down the swelling. More often than not, any type of discomfort can survive only for a couple of days.


Albeit, there could be some bleeding during the biopsy, this generally stops quickly and there is almost nil chances of further bleeding once the wound is stitched. If the biopsy site continues to bleed, you can stop this by applying pressure on the area for 10 minutes using a swab or clean rolled-up piece of cotton. Still, if the bleeding seizes to stop, immediately contact your oral dentist.

Resume Work

This entirely depends on your job and your personal comfort ability after this surgery. The majority of people resume their work in the later part of the same day. If you feel uncomfortable for some day you can take rest.

Follow-up Procedure

You would be advised to have over-the-counter pain killers in the event if you feel discomfort in the operated area. Eating soft foods, rinsing with warm salted water and especially rinsing with antibacterial solutions will be advisable for a few days. Your dental surgeon may also prescribe you some antibiotics to avoid infection. You would be asked to revisit clinic after two weeks of the surgery to examine the wound and ensure that your wound is recuperating properly.

It is suggested not to bite the numb location of your mouth. Don doesn't rinse your mouth too hard on the day of surgery, it may lead to bleeding. Clean your teeth as usual including the teeth sitting next to the location of the biopsy to avoid any infection. If you see some food particles lodged in and around the site of biopsy, rinse it gently to dislodge it using a mouthwash or warm salt water.

Risks Associated with a Biopsy

It may happen that the bleeding may continue for a few days and if it lasts for a long time you need to consult your dental surgeon to stop it. There is a thin possibility of the operated site being infected post surgery. This could be due to the presence of various bacteria in the mouth. Under these circumstances your surgeon would advise you to rely on antibacterial rinses, antibiotics medicines and often both also to reduce the risk of infection of any kind. There is a bleak chance that during the surgery, your surgeon may damage some blood vessels and nerves located nearby. This risk can be reduced by X-rays and expert knowledge of your surgeon about the mouth anatomy.

When to Seek Medical Help

If you witness increased swelling, fever, chills, continuous bleeding and numbness even after a successful biopsy, you should take help of your oral surgeon immediately. These are some unusual signs that require immediate medical attention.
Biopsy is a very simple process but you need to be prepared and knowledgeable to understand the risks associated; expectations from this surgery and the exact procedure of the same to face the surgery! So, have a closer understanding of this oral dental surgery, who knows if you ever have to undergo this procedure in future!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals for good oral hygiene of your kids

Often it is hard to convince your kids about the healthy food they should eat and the importance of those foods in their growth and oral health. Especially, when it comes to oral hygiene, parents have to take extra care as the desired growth of teeth in proper and well aligned manner erupt at the age of 5-8 years and you should be aware of all the natural sources which can help your kids' teeth grow stronger and healthier along with maintaining cosmetic aspects of the teeth.

Dr. Arthur, Children dentistry specialist from Monash Dental Group, talks about the importance and impact of different sets of vitamins, minerals and elements and its potential sources for maintaining good oral health along with following good habits like brushing and flossing.

Vitamin A: 

It keeps your mouth wet and prevents bad breath and other disease caused by bacterial growth due to dry mouth and helps in production of saliva which fights against these bacteria. Research has also proved that it also helps in preventing oral cancer.

Sweet potato, green vegetables, cheese, eggs, carrots, Lettuce, dried herbs and dried apricots are some potential sources of Vitamin A which you should try as per its season.

Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B7 and B12: 

It prevents inflammation in a tongue which reduces the production of saliva. It also helps in preventing soreness, bleeding and redness in the gums which may cause by gum disease.

Pork, sunflower seeds, legumes, Sirloin steak, navy beans, potato, mushrooms, ricotta cheese, banana, Meat, fish, shellfish, poultry and milk are some good sources of this vitamin range.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) :
This vitamin helps to reduce gingivitis problems. Lack of vitamin B3 can cause problems like canker sores and bad breath.

Chicken, beef liver and mushroom are some good sources of B3.

Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid

A potential source against periodontal disease and yeast infection issues in your mouth.

Brewer’s yeast, spinach, asparagus, turnip greens, broccoli, papaya, oranges, grapes, Lima beans and beef liver are sources of folic acid.

Vitamin C: 

It makes your tooth root stronger and prevent tooth lost at an early age. It is also helpful against bleeding gums and in growth, repair and maintenance of soft gum tissues.

Strawberries, tomatoes, citrus fruits, bell peppers, potato and papaya are the sources of Vitamin C.

Vitamin D: 

It helps human body to digest & absorb the calcium which is helpful in building and growth of the bones. Regular consumption of food with Vitamin D makes the teeth, jawbone and tooth enamel stronger.

Early sunlight is the main sources of Vitamin D. Another source includes oily fish, eggs, milk, cereals, oysters, caviar and mushroom.

Vitamin E: 

It is helpful for restoration and healing process for damaged tissue. When you undergo treatments like root canal, tooth extraction, wisdom tooth removal or any other kind of dental surgery, consuming vitamin E rich food will help you heal quickly. It is cutter against white patches in the mouth and helps in preventing oral cancer.

Vegetables oils, nuts, peanut butter, wheat germ are the sources of Vitamin E.


Calcium is an essential element in the growth of tooth, jawbone and gums. When permanent teeth start to appear, you should give calcium rich food to your kids for proper growth of the gum line and tooth development.

Major sources of Calcium are Milk, dairy Products, fortified juices, law fat cheese, Yogurt, seafood, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, sardines and clams.


Fluoride prevents tooth decay and also helps in repairing the tooth enamel. It is present in most of the Preventive Dentistry Solutions products like toothpaste and mouthwash.

It is found in certain percentage naturally in drilling water, soil and mineral. Black tea, sardines, potatoes, meat, wheat and Mackerel are other sources of fluoride. If your dentist asked you to consume more fluoride for your oral health, using fluoride based toothpaste will help as a supplement to all these natural sources.


It is helpful to prevent an abnormal system of smell and taste, also help to improve the bones and promote the healing canker sores.

Beef liver, dark meat of poultry, wheat germs, oysters, Dried Watermelon Seeds, Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder are sources of Zinc.


Iodine is important for tooth development. Pumpkin, spinach, chocolate, saltwater shellfish and Iodized salt are sources of iodine.


it helps in proper blood circulation to the nerve of the tooth and helps to make the tooth root stronger. Liver, kidney, seafood, nuts, seeds and tap water are some sources of copper.


Iron prevents from Oral Cancer and helps the immune system. Liver, eggs, fish, seafood, other meats, enriched breads, cereals and green leafy vegetables are sources of Iron.


Potassium helpful for nerve functions and muscle contractions. Fruits and vegetables, legumes, milk, cheese, meats and whole grains are sources of potassium.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is necessary and requires good efforts on regular base. Consuming above mentioned sources will boost your oral health and prevent you from other oral disease and infections. Create a diet which includes above sources as precaution is always better than cure.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Most asked questions about Teeth whitening

What is tooth whitening and why it is important?
In process of getting a beautiful smile, teeth whitening is one of the most needed and preferred procedure applied at the appropriate stage for beautiful smile depending upon the condition of the patient. If any person doesn’t have any other issues like misalignment, cracked tooth or crowded tooth, teeth whitening can be applied first and helps to get back the natural color and shine of the teeth as before.
Let’s quickly review some facts and most asked questions about teeth whitening.
What are the causes of stained or discolored teeth?
There are many reasons and factors which impact on tooth color, including the type of diet we take, alcoholic cold drinks, coffee, tea and habit of chewing tobacco and cigarette smoking. In certain cases, drinking water with high levels of fluoride or frequent use of mouthwash, toothpaste with high contain of fluoride also causes dark spots on the teeth.
In Kids, not following good oral hygiene habits like brushing regularly is the main reason behind stained or discolored teeth.
Should I opt for teeth cleaning before whitening?
It is advisable to go for teeth cleaning before opting out for teeth whitening as you can be assured of good oral hygiene as well. Depending on your oral hygiene, dentist may or may not suggest teeth cleaning.
There are various cosmetic dentistry solutions available in the market which you can try at your home. This includes products like bleaching trays, whitening gel or toothpaste and mouthwash.
Your cosmetic dentist may opt for laser teeth whitening which gives you an instant result with little extra cost. Having custom made plastic trays is also a good solution which you can apply at your home with dentist’s recommended paste or gel to use with tray.
Is it safe to use teeth whitening products without consulting Cosmetic Dentist ?
We recommend you to first go for consultation at the initial level and discuss about the product you wish to utilize for teeth whitening.
There are certain whitening products in the market which may give you fast result but may cause side effects like teeth sensitivity or result may not last for longer.
In certain worst conditions, it became necessary to have treatment by cosmetic dentists to diagnose the actual condition of your teeth and adopting a solution which lasts longer without any side effect to your teeth.
How long I should expect to retain the white teeth after treatment?
It solely depends on the products you have used for teeth whitening along with precautions and good habits you have followed for maintaining it.
Generally, dental bleaching done at dental clinic will last for 12-18 months if proper care is followed by you. Hence, it isn’t permanent solutions and result may disappear with frequent use of alcohol, tobacco cigarettes, coffee and other food. Regular visits to the dental clinic every six months and good preventive care can increase the longevity of teeth whitening treatment.

Friday, 5 July 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Graft Surgery?

Nowadays, there are increasing numbers of people suffering from gum diseases due to unhealthy diet habits and lack of essential dental care. Ignoring gum disease can cause loss of teeth. In this blog, we have described some helpful information about the Gum Graft Surgery, need for Gum Graft Surgery, benefits of Gum Graft Surgery and its precautions require after surgery.

Know About Gum Graft Surgery ( What Is it?)

Gum Graft Surgery is the practice that repairs receding gums. The procedure involves removal of healthy palatal tissues and placing them on the receded gums. It helps in preventing an additional bone loss and recession. It is used to develop gum issues or cover roots where excessive gum recession is found. This surgery can be carried out on a single tooth or many teeth to make gum line even and decrease sensitivity. It is a helpful surgery for those who want to improve their smile. Other than this, it helps to deal with several types of dental conditions like tooth abrasion and excessive tooth sensitivity.
Need for Gum Graft Surgery

People who suffer from hypersensitivity, the root exposure problem and teeth appearance problems can undergo for gum graft surgery. You need to consult expert Periodontist, if patient suffering from any of following problems.
  • Many people have a problem with an appearance of their teeth. Due to the disorder in teeth appearance they can select this surgery to improve their smile.
  • Patients with root exposure related problems and cannot brush properly to the exposes root surface as well as the extreme problem of calculus on the root is considered as the beginning of root decay. This surgery is essential to perform to cover and protect the surface of the root.
  • When there is extreme exposure of the root surface and the patient suffering from severe tooth hypersensitivity, root surface covering using this surgery helps in lower down sensation and to get rid of such problems.
  • Moreover, gum graft surgery also requires prior to fixed restorations like implants and crowns helpful for protecting supporting teeth.
  • To protect bone support and function of the tooth and to cover root exposure. Root surface exposure means bone loss that supports the tooth. Even a tooth with only one mm or less than that gum issue is liable to lose extra support for bone in the future.
Benefits of Gum Graft Surgery

It is essential to consult with Licensed Periodontics in Melbourne for successful gum graft surgery. A successful surgery gives many benefits in recovering painful gum disease.
  • It covers exposed root surfaces.
  • It reduces more recession and further loss of the bone.
  • It eliminates or decrease hypersensitivity, protects the development of the root exposure, and reduces root caries.
  • Improve periodontal health.
  • It makes things easy to speak, eat and smile in a better way with full of confidence.

After Gum Graft Surgery - Essential Precautions

In any kind of surgery, it is always essential to take some precautions to avoid any complications.
  • Follow medication timing strictly as suggested by your Periodontist. It gives you relief from severe pain.
  • Take medicines with some food such as milkshakes, starch based foods or protein drinks as directed by your surgeon. Never take any medicine with an empty stomach.
  • After surgery, don’t use straw. It may disturb the blood clots and cause bleeding.
  • Try to avoid alcohol and smoking, one or two days prior to surgery. Don’t take alcohol while on pain medication. It causes delay in healing.
  • Apply ice to the swelling area for 2-3 days that will help to reduce pain and swelling. Use a locked bag of crushed ice or wrap in a thin towel. Apply for 10 minutes and take a 10 minute break to reapply.
  • Do not drink or eat anything extra hot or cold for at least 1-2 days.
  • One can eat fruit smoothies, milkshakes, ice cream, tapioca, yogurt, puddings, protein drinks, etc.
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, citrus, or sweet foods. Do not eat nuts, seeds, popcorn, husks, etc.
  • Do not suck, spit, rinse, swish or brush your teeth.
  • Take soft foods for a few days such as noodles, eggs, mashed or baked potatoes, pasta, or any soup or soft cook foods.
  • Avoid chews on the surgical side. Avoid hard foods for a few days.
  • Do not ignore any pre or post-treatment instructions given by your Periodontist.
Gum Grafting Facts
  • Gum grafting is essential when protection is required for the tooth bone support.
  • For the long-lasting effect, root coverage treatment is a better option.
  • Normally, gingival graft surgery takes sixty to ninety minutes to perform that includes preparation for pre-treatment, anesthetic, gum graft treatment and instructions for post-treatment.
  • Usually, a patient needs pain medications only for 2-3 days.
  • Avoid aggressive/horizontal tooth brushing, hard brushes, grinding or clenching teeth.
  • Proper brushing reduces stress to the gums and teeth. Use night guard to protect your teeth & gums from grinding. Take expert advice for oral hygiene.
Dental prevention is the key step towards healthy living and wealthy smile. Your single step towards early dental precautions keeps your teeth healthy for a life long.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Dental Crown: Needs, procedures and After care

A dental crown is a hollow cap that encases the surface of the tooth entirely to restore its original size and shape and give strength and improve the appearance of the tooth. It’s a fixed prosthetic device fixed on existing teeth or implants and can remove by dentist only. It is also known as cap and gives teeth original natural appearance.

When it is needed?

A Dental Surgeon suggests for dental crown for several reasons as shown below.
  • To protect a tooth from weakening due to severe tooth decay or other dental problems
  • To restore a severely damaged tooth or fractured tooth
  • To hold joint parts of a broken or a cracked tooth
  • To hold a dental bridge in position
  • To cover as well as support the tooth having a large filling
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To cover roughly discolored or misshaped tooth
  • To cover a tooth having root canal
  • For cosmetic enhancement

What types of material used for dental crown and bridges?

There are varieties of materials used for dental crown and bridges. For permanent crown, metal, resin, ceramic and porcelain-fused-to-metal materials are used normally.

Metal – One of the most reliable options for dental crown is metal dental crowns. A metal alloy is highly durable and normally used in less visible areas of mouth for back morals due to its appearance. It is not used for improving cosmetic appearance. In metal crown, gold alloy, base metal alloy such as nickel or chromium or other alloy is used. In this type of crown less tooth structure needs to be removed. It resists chewing and biting forces and become durable as it breaks or chip rarely.

Ceramic or Porcelain – It is mainly used to give teeth a natural look. People having allergy to metal or not prefer metal crowns, ceramic or porcelain crowns become the best option. The only drawback is that the material may erode over time and need replacement or repair. It is also not durable like other material such as metal and porcelain-fused metal crowns.

Porcelain Fused To Metal – It comprises benefits of durability and proffers natural look. In this type of dental crown the porcelain combines with the metal that gives strength due to the metal base and the exterior surface is of porcelain that blends with other teeth naturally. Although, it is also long lasting but somewhat less compare to metal crown. Strength and durability are the advantages of porcelain fused to metal crown. The only disadvantages of it is that sometimes it creates a great shadow or line near the gum but it will not affect the functionality of the crown.

Resin – When it comes to cost factor, the resin crown becomes very economical and also look good in the mouth. The disadvantages of it that it wear down quickly and need to replace quickly compared to other types of dental crowns.

How to care a crowned tooth?

It is advisable to take proper care of a crowned tooth in a similar manner as normal teeth. Actually a good oral hygiene practice that includes brushing twice, flossing once in a day carefully, rinses your mouth after eating or drinking and regular visit to dentist provides long life to dental crown. It is also necessary to avoid chewing or biting on hard surfaces if there are porcelain crowns. It is essential to prevent porcelain fracture.

Wisdom Tooth Removal – Need and Associated Possible Issues if Not Removed

Normally, wisdom tooth erupts between the age group of 18 to 24 years. In many people, it may come later or earlier. It is also known as third morals, the last teeth of the moral teeth in the back of the mouth. It is possible to have four wisdom teeth in each corner of the mouth. Normally, if teeth come in the right position, straight and healthy, it will not give pain or other problems. People need to visit a dental surgeon for regular check-up of wisdom tooth to prevent from any major complications in future.

Why Need to Remove Wisdom Tooth

Different people have to undergo to remove their wisdom tooth for different reasons such as major dental cavities, periodontal diseases, infections, cysts, tumors, as well as for prevention of a nearby tooth from damaging. Here we have described some dental problems if it becomes severe than it may need to remove wisdom tooth.

Impacted Teeth - The position of wisdom tooth is in the corner of the mouth and it erupts at last after eruption of all permanent teeth. Hence, most people have to face enough space problems of teeth to come in the right place. Hence, the teeth that cannot come outside or erupt in place are known as impacted wisdom teeth. Those teeth remain under the jaw line as they cannot develop normally. Hence, in such condition, it becomes essential for the dentist to remove such impacted wisdom tooth.

Gum Diseases - Periodontal disease or gingivitis can affect the nearby teeth of wisdom teeth. It mainly causes due to the bacteria infection and affects the tooth supporting structure, badly.

Tooth Decay – In an advanced stage of tooth decay, it creates holes in the tooth that may affect the second molars. When tooth restoration is not possible, it becomes essential to remove wisdom teeth.

Pericoronitis – An infection of the soft tissues (surrounding the partially erupted tooth crown) is caused by the plaque around the tooth.

Osteomyelitis – People having a major infection in the bone of jaw require removing the tooth.

Tooth Abscess or Cellulitis – In people when pus and swelling gathers around their wisdom teeth as well as its surrounding oral structures due to the infection of bacteria need to go for removing the wisdom tooth. It may occur due to the tooth decay or tooth trauma when a tooth is chipped or broken.

Cysts and Tumor – When any wisdom teeth are unable to burst through the gum; it develops a cyst or tumor. It also causes due to an overproduction of cells. In very rare case it happens. It develops near impacted teeth and known as dentigerous cyst or tumor. It damages surrounding teeth, nerves and other oral structures.

However, normally dental surgeons make all efforts to cure teeth of patient and if it becomes not curable or affect other teeth then only they advise patient to go for surgery.

Problems Associated with Wisdom Tooth

In many people, even they have impacted wisdom teeth; they don’t realize it for years or do not know that they have impacted wisdom teeth. Normally, wisdom teeth give problems only if they erupt in the wrong direction, crooked, and others. Oral Dental Surgery is required for removing wisdom teeth in cases for impacted teeth or other dental diseases. Below are some problems associated with wisdom teeth.

  • Mostly impacted teeth have a tendency to cause pain as they press its nearby teeth that may cause damage to that tooth. It can also cause infection, swelling, tenderness and severe pain.
  • In addition, it becomes not possible to clean wisdom teeth properly as it is hard to reach and make it clean properly. Thus, it creates a high risk of infection or irritation around it. Infection is caused by the bacteria which is the major source of gum disease. These bacteria pass from the mouth through the bloodstream and it may cause the possible systemic infections and creates health related problems affecting the kidneys, heart and other organs.
  • According to some research, if wisdom teeth are affected by periodontal disease [in the areas of third molar]; it creates persistent and increasing problems.
Around 18 to 24 years, during the period of wisdom tooth erupt; it is advisable to visit your dentist regularly. This will protect you from the development of any major complications if the wisdom tooth becomes impacted tooth. It becomes easy to remove wisdom teeth in the younger age as the roots of the tooth are not grown-up completely and the bone is also less dense. Hence the tooth extraction process becomes less painful and allows fast recovery.